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hello, Nice to meet you

As Trustees (and many of you reading this), all of us have something in common; we have 'enough'. Enough education to make our own way in the world. Enough access to health care professionals, medicines and hospitals should we need them. Enough clean water and food. Enough housing to ensure we are safe and warm. Enough power to share a political opinion and vote. Enough people around us who would do us a favour if we needed one. Enough opportunties in short, to lead a life of choice. A choice that is not given to everyone and that's why we are Trustees of Project Gambia; working to make sure that more opportunities are provided early on in the lives of the children who live in Gunjur, The Gambia, West Africa.


We meet regularly to strategically plan our activities, monitor finances, define future opportunities, plan fund raising events and update our communication with the Preschools and with our supporters. Unsurprisingly, we find that making decisions together, us and the Preschools,  using all available information provides the best route for our collective intentions and aspirations.

Our trustees
Dr neil griffiths


Neil is a former Primary Headteacher in the UK. As a children's author, he now spends his time working with schools, children and their families to share the importance of early literacy skills and quality play.


Neil's been working with the Preschools in Gunjur for over a decade and continues to support their curriculum, teacher training and professional growth.

Anita Bew MBE


For over 30 years, Anita has been travelling to Gunjur to work alongside the community. Volunteering is a way of life for Anita and she was awarded an MBE in 2010 for her charity work.


Anita is a well-known figure in the village and continues to make relevant and respectful links to bring about positive change. Her passion is community development.

"Of course it's not just the Trustees who give their time and skills to work towards Project Gambia's aims, we have a gorgeous bunch of supporters who generously contribute in a range of ways working with us. We couldn't do it without them and we wouldn't want to." 

~Neil Griffiths, Chair


—  Name, Title

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